CodeLounge 2016



Below are the several projects we have provided for you to work on during this event. You can pick one of these and go to a group dedicated to working on it or you can ask questions in our dedicated question area or you can grab a few people and do your own thing.

The choice is yours!

Snacks and drinks will be all around at all times but there’ll be falafel coming at 13:00 so don’t fill yourself up. Stick around till the end of the day and let us see what you did for a chance to win some prizes including Google Cardboard, kick-ass computery stationery and some vouchers for Falafel King.

Lastly, the point of this event is to learn together. Learning to program can be daunting but we’re hoping to give you a bit more confidence to start your own projects as well as give you peace of mind in the work you’ve been doing thus far. Bug the helpers and work together!

Phonebook (C)

A simple implementation of a phonebook in C. Good for getting to grips with structs and I/O.

Difficulty: Easy

Snake (Haskell)

A neat version of snake in Haskell. To show that you really can do things with functional programming.

Difficulty: Medium

Pong (C++)

The classic game Pong in a language that although different won’t be too difficult to pick up if you fancy a challenge.

Difficulty: Hard

Arduino Projects

Fancy getting your hands on some hardware? Make a lie detector or just get to grips with the tech on the several arduino projects we have.

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