Sync your Microsoft Calendar with CSS

Did you know that the CSS website auto-generates a calendar of all our events which you can import to your preferred calendar software? Here is a guide on how to do this for Microsoft calendars.

Step 1: Go to your calendar

You can find this at

Step 2: Click “Add a calendar”

On the sidebar, above “My calendars” is a button titled “Add calendar”. Click this, and once the modal pops up, select “Subscribe from web” on its sidebar.

The "add calendar" button

Select "Subscribe from web"

Step 3: Add the CSS calendar

The URL for the CSS calendar is:

Paste this in the input box, and fill in the other details which appear once you input this.

Paste the link to the CSS calendar

Add other details

Once you press “Import”, this should be all!

Still not working?

If it is still not showing on your calendar, you may have to toggle it. On the Calendar sidebar, make sure that the CSS calendar is toggled on.

Toggle CSS Calendar


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