This event has been canceled 😢

This event was cancelled because: Unfortunately we've had to postpone this event - Creditcall has just been acquired and the CTO is a bit busy! We hope to be able to run it some time in the next few weeks.

Tech Talk: The technology behind payments

We’ll have Creditcall’s CTO here to talk about how modern payments technology works. As always, we will be deploying FREE PIZZA . He’ll be covering:

  • How payments work and the cutting-edge technology behind them
  • The journey of a transaction from start to finish
  • The FinTech/Payments Industry and why you should want to be in it
  • Security in payments – PCI DSS and PCI P2PE

    Creditcall CTO Jeremy Gumbley (@Jeremy_Gumbley) is a technology entrepreneur and fintech veteran with 20+ years of payment and security experience. As a tech innovator, he not only helped Creditcall become one of the first payment gateways in Europe but also facilitated the company’s PCI DSS Level 1 compliance, one of the very first payment gateways to achieve that level. Recognizing the significant impact EMV would have in the future, he directed the development of Creditcall’s EMV Kernel Portfolio. In 2014, he was pivotal in making Creditcall the first EMV-ready payment gateway to the US.

The Details


13:00 - 14:00

MVB 1.11


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Hosted with:

  • Creditcall

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