CSS Family Meetup

All new first-year CS students are invited to come along and meet their Computer Science parents. It’ll be informal with free food 🥪 and board games 🎲 so please come!

New post-grads are also welcome to come along and socialise in MVB 1.11

WHERE: Merchant Venturer’s Building, bottom floor WHEN: 1pm

If you want to be a parent, sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfz3E9h6Nx03MgSkW683RVaHN3xWbUUURrI2VuWOnTqOeiefw/viewform?usp=sf_link (Sign up deadline is 22nd September, 12:00pm)

First-years are automatically made children, so don’t worry about signing up for anything.

The Details


13:00 - 16:30



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