Virtual Pub Quiz

Greetings CSS!

I am Miki, the previous CSS Secretary and I have an unfulfilled promise. That is, a pub quiz. That we didn’t do.

But we’re doing it now! Over the internet, I will be bringing you a slew of amusing and interesting questions and of course the answers at the end.

The rules are few and non-serious; I obviously can’t check for cheating or deliver prizes so no worries.

  1. Assemble into your own teams or make them here, everything works. I’d recommend team sizes no more than 5 or 6 else it might get too easy.
  2. Join the livestream over at where I will be reading out and displaying the questions and playingn the music clips.
  3. Gather answers with your team however you want (I recommend Google Docs and I tend to use Discord calls to talk to the team but whatever floats your boat)
  4. Enter your score into the big Google Sheets at the end
  5. Receive your well-deserved congratulations for winning (my praise is available in only limited numbers, special edition, only print)

And most importantly,

Have fun!

The Details


19:00 - 21:00



Get a ticket here

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Hosted with:

  • Miki - CSS secretary 2019/20

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