Another year has come to a close

Join us as we celebrate the past year, vote on motions, and elect the new committee!

AGM 2021

Join us for our 2021 CSS AGM where we’ll chat about some motions and most importantly elect the new committee 😮 !! We’ll also be raffling off 20 Just Eat vouchers, so don’t miss out ;)

Do you have what it takes to rise up and take on a role? 🤔 Yes? 😍 I thought so… go on checkout down below for all the roles with their descriptions! You will have to prepare a manifesto and a 2-minute speech. Submit your application here .

If you can’t attend the AGM - don’t worry! You can still nominate yourself/submit a motion. 🎉 Just record a short video (~2 minutes) of your speech or send us your speech to read out!

Be quick though as the deadline for applications is 16/5 at 5pm. Don’t wanna miss an opportunity to put in an order for 40 pizzas do we? 😏

Want to change something about CSS? You can submit a motion here.



18:30 - 20:00



Core Roles


As the president, it is your job to set the direction of the society. A great president is key to ensuring a successful year. The president organises and manages the rest of the committee. Time management and organisations are key skills needed.


As the vice-president, you will help the president as well as organising sponsorship from companies. Time management and organisations are key skills needed.


The treasurer is responsible for paying for pizza, ensuring the financial health of the society, and generating invoices.

Interested? Nominate yourself!

Event leaders

Technical Events

It is your responsibility to organise, plan, and ensure the success of the large events. These include: Hackathons, Game-jams, CTFs, and any other competition event.

Industrial Talks

We love to see what interesting tech companies are using - and they love advertising their grad jobs to us. As the industrial talks officer, it will be your job to invite companies to give talks. It is important that you are organised and professional as you're representing not just the society but also all students to the company.

Academic Talks

Computer Science has progressed so far and the cutting edge research is mind blowing. From deep fakes to voice interaction, the future of the field is exciting with endless possibilities. As the academics talk officer, you will be inviting academics to talk about research and show off the exciting new developments.

Socials and Sports

CS is not just about work - it's also about having a damn good time! As the socials sec you will organise bar crawls, MVBall, board game nights, and any other social activity you think of! You will also organise the sports teams.

Interested? Nominate yourself!



Without the press officer, no one would know that we do events. As the press officer, you will produce banners for events and post them on social media. Previously, the press officer has designed the yearly merchandise as the people who take this role are creative.


As the webmaster, you will keep the website up to date buy adding future events and putting jobs on the job board. You will also assist the press officer in spreading the word about upcoming events across, well, the web by adding new features. You will also make sure CSS keeps in line with GDPR.


We believe anyone at any age can enjoy Computer Science. As the outreach officer, you will collaborate with other societies and the SCEEM outreach program to help spread our passion for CS.

Interested? Nominate yourself!

Other roles

Equality and Wellbeing

The equality and wellbeing officer ensures that eveyone is happy in the society. Mostly, this role organises the family scheme to help the new cohort find their feet at University and within the society.


As the secretary, you will make notes on what is said in committee meetings, keep our documents organised, and communicate with the SU.


As the general officer, you'll be ready to help wherever needed. You will often find yourself helping out at the actual events including collecting pizza and falafels.

Interested? Nominate yourself!

Nominate yourself!

So, you've decided you want to help make next year a great year for CSS!

But how do you get on the commitee?

  1. Write a short paragraph saying why you want to be on the commitee
  2. Apply for the role(s) using the link bellow
  3. Give a 2 minuite speech at the AGM (or a recorded video if you can't make it)