BAE Systems Capture the Flag

BAE Systems are running a Capture the Flag event, a day of cyber security challenges and games.

Anyone currently enrolled at the University of Bristol is welcome to sign up and participate.

This is a team-based challenge for teams of 2 to 6 players. If you don’t have a team yet then don’t worry – come along anyway as teams will be created on the day.

Come to demonstrate your cyber security skills by breaking into websites, cracking ciphers, finding hidden data and analysing packet captures.

There will be prizes for winners and free pizza for all players!

To sign up, please email from your university email account with the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your team name (if applicable)
  • Your year of study
  • Your course title

If you are signing up on behalf of others, please include the above information for them too. The deadline for signing up is Thursday 17th January. We will email you to confirm your place and provide more details on the event and what you need to bring. We really hope to see you there!

The Details


10:30 - 16:30

MVB 2.11 Lab

Hosted with:

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