CSS in EY Make It Better Competition

CSS have entered into EY’s Make It Better Competition makeitbetter.ey.com To help the society win £500 all you need to do is register on the website with your @bristol.ac.uk email address and then upload photos of anything they think could be made better … Continued

Outreach – trip to my school

As I returned to my old school with a fanfare and a red carpet, I realised I had instead fallen asleep on the long train journey from Bristol. But soon enough, I had actually arrived, ready to impart all the … Continued

End of term social

CSS End-Of-Term Social: BBQ and Bar Crawl Exams will be over. Courseworks demolished. So unchain yourselves from your desks and be free! There will be an epic celebration in three parts: 5 til 8 BBQ in Royal Fort Gardens Berekley … Continued

Undergraduate Project Fair 2013

Computer Science Department invites students to Undergraduate Project Fair on 20th of March in Merchants Venturers Building. Attending the fair will be particularly useful penultimate year CS students choosing their project for next year. However the event is open to … Continued

Mubaloo Mobile App-a-thon 2013

This year, we will be repeating the App-a-thon! It will be similar to last years event, a weekend competition where we open the MVB to groups to make an app of their choice. Everyone had a great time last year … Continued

ARM onCampus Engineering (ACE) Challenge

Do you think you are a Good Engineer ? Well here’s the challenge: Team up with students from other engineering departments and Engineer something cool in 24 hours using MBED project boards (http://mbed.org/)!Robots, Cars, Hovercrafts, aeroplane models, Anything you like! … Continued

Outreach voting

Please read profiles of candidates applying for Outreach position at Computer Science Society and leave your vote in the poll underneath the descriptions. If you do not want to vote for any of the candidates you may want to choose … Continued

Treasurer & Secretary Voting

We now open voting for the following two positions: treasurer and secretary. Please read profiles of candidates below and give your vote for both position. Alternatively, if you don’t like any of candidates you can choose RON – Re-Open Nominations.

Voting closes on Wednesday, October 24th at midnight.

Computer Science Bar Crawl

Hello everyone! We would like to welcome new members and we hope that you are having amazing time in Bristol.   We want to invite you to  attend the best night of this year – Computer Science Bar Crawl. We … Continued